Kisha Woods – Founder and CEO


  • Life Coach
  • Mindfulness
  • Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP)
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Adult/Youth Mental Health First Aid

Kisha Woods - Founder and CEO

Kisha Woods is an award winning life and business coach, and the visionary behind Upgraded MindsetZ, LLC. Kisha specializes in Mindset transformation and start up entrepreneurship, equpping individuals with effective strategic tools to amplify success in their personal and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Kisha is a motivational speaker, Amazon best-selling author, 2X podcast host, community advocate, and serial entrepreneur.

"Everything turned out so beautiful! You did an amazing job of providing a space for people to come out and support these black businesses. Keep up the great work lady!"
Vendor Party Part 2 - Empowerment Edition Attendee
Peoria, IL

As someone who faced silent battles with her mental well-being throughout the years, March 2020,  marked the beginning of a self transformative journey, which she chronicles in her Amazon Best Selling book, ‘From Havoc to Healing: 30 Days of Reconditioning’.

Upgraded MindsetZ was founded in June 2020 and has evolved into a supportive platform for those focused on personal and entrepreneurial growth and development. Kisha transitioned into full-time entrepreneurship late 2020, co founding her second business UPM Suites in West Peoria, IL. UPM provides marketing and branding resources,  community outreach, beauty-enhancing services, and retail produces from other small business owners in the community.

"Thanks Kay Wds for yet another great opportunity to connect and uplift dope women, my heart is truly warmed!!"
Mindset Motivaton Workshop attendee
Peoria, IL

Kisha’s areas of expertise include mindset reconditioning, transformative growth, self-prioritization, mental awareness, societal stigmas, start-up entrepreneurship,etc.

She is available for: 

  • Podcasts
  • In Person Network Events
  • Motivational Speaking
  • Community Outreach
  • Panel Discussions
  • Collaborative Efforts
"Thank you for blessing us with your authentic presence and so many valuable tidbits - you rock Coach!"
Black Life Coach Summit Attendee
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