
Empowering Personal Growth & Entrepreneur Success for Women

Keep Striving…..

As a Coach who is just putting herself out to the world, these words came right on time! My Journey had to be known so that others can see that we can change our mindset for POSITIVE forever! I know in my heart each and every time I post, comment, or share something my intention […]

A Positive Reinforcement Guide!

Thank you for following UPgraded MindsetZ! What is it that I offer here? The simple answer I say is: A personal trainer for the MIND. Focused on helping women embrace their true potential, freeing their mind negative mind clutter. We work on reprogramming restricted emotions into unapologetic confidence and freedom. Clear the mindset of toxic […]

Getting Back in the swing of things…

Over the weekend I did something that I have not done since Pre-Covid…….TRAVEL…. I didn’t go to far, I live about 2 to 3 hours from Chicago so hey why not!! I absolutely LOVE driving on the highway it is so therapeutic for me! I had my cousin with me as we were going to […]

A Lil’ Reflection…

Sitting here at home today, I sit here and reflect on how “settled” I am at this moment. I have come a long damn way…LOL. I mean, A LONG WAY! I think back on when my breaking point was. Listen, that period was a different type of experience. An exhausted, burned out, debilitated breaking point […]

And so it begins…

Here I am..I am finally taking the steps that I, quite frankly, have always known I was capable of. I have spent years hiding my goals and dreams in life, restricting my capabilities and my dreams basically putting other people, events and things ahead of my own life, simply put. Current events have put total […]

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